Online Mindfulness Launch
The last day of November, seemed a very fitting time to launch our online mindfulness programme, gathering together on a cold dark evening to simply stop and be in the present.
I say ‘simply’ but of course there’s nothing simple about it! Martin explained this during his introduction…our preponderance to spend our time reminiscing about the past or planning for the future…being anywhere really apart from ‘in the present’. From the feedback we’ve received, we are so pleased to know that the gentle, simple exercises Martin guided us through really helped to bring us all back to the present, to just be in our bodies and practice quieting the mind., Somehow by gathering together, this practice seemed just a little easier, perhaps because we were doing it together.
Martin is a superb mindfulness teacher…so gifted in the way he uses language.
Monika Krogulska
That mindfulness class was really wonderful…it changed my week.
Alaina Kennedy
We first created some space for online mindfulness practice and shared some resources to help us navigate the difficult days during Covid. We hosted one of those first sessions with Irish In France, and when we decided to re-launch our online series this year, we were keen to collaborate with IIF once more, opening the experience to as wide an audience as possible and creating some special virtual connections across the miles.
Connection is of course at the heart of Ceangal and this is the core value we want to continue to nurture and so, in follow up to this session, we are delighted to offer “A Month of Mindfulness” through January.
A series of one hour guided sessions each week throughout January, Martin will guide and accompany participants with easy mindfulness techniques and provide practical resources to help you continue practising between sessions and ensure you get the most from the course.
Rather than wasting your breath on great intentions which (we all know from experience!) will probably fall by the wayside…why not USE YOUR BREATH – quite literally – to nurture a greater sense of wellbeing as you begin a brand New Year?