Our Experiences

Connecting You With Yourself, Others, and the Region

We offer an array of immersive and transformative retreats designed to connect you with yourself, others, and the natural beauty of the Cognac region in France. Our retreats focus on three main themes: Mindfulness, Art, and Cuisine. Each experience is carefully curated to provide you with an unforgettable journey that nurtures your mind, body, and soul.

Mindfulness Retreats

At Ceangal, our Mindfulness retreats are designed to help you discover inner peace and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and the present moment. Guided by experienced mindfulness coach, Martin Towey, you will learn and practice meditation, yoga, and mindful movement, developing the tools to integrate mindfulness into your daily life. Through these practices, you will discover how to cultivate greater self-awareness, reduce stress, and foster a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Art Retreats

Our Art retreats at Ceangal provide a creative sanctuary where you can explore your artistic side, discover new talents, and connect with your inner artist. Our retreats offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a supportive and inspiring environment, where you can freely express yourself, develop your artistic skills, and create lasting connections with fellow art enthusiasts.

Culinary Retreats

Indulge in the rich culinary traditions of the Cognac region with our Cuisine retreats at Ceangal. You will explore the art of French cooking through hands-on workshops, learning to create delicious and authentic dishes using fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. These retreats offer a unique opportunity to expand your culinary skills, experience the flavors of the region, and immerse yourself in French food culture.

Like a Gathering of Old Friends

Olive and Charlie were so kind, generous and hospitable and really couldn’t do enough for the group and to make our stay as comfortable as possible. There was a lovely balance between our sessions and local trips. It became like a gathering of old friends after the first night at dinner...I’ll certainly be back!

Miriam Glynn

Genuinely Warm & Welcoming

This weekend exceeded my expectations. Olive & Charlie are wonderful hosts, immediately creating an environment which is genuinely warm & welcoming. Which in turn makes the group dynamic work effortlessly. I really cannot recommend it highly enough and look forward to my next trip to Olive & Charlie.

Jennifer Callan

A Place I Want to Return To

Wonderful hosts, great house and ambiance, kindness amongst friends, beautiful countryside surrounded by amazing grapevines and sunflowers, birdsong and farm life. Living in the moment with mindfulness makes it a place I want to return to.

Susan Barr